
Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Future Mr. & Mrs. Brau

So...I had a whole post written about Kaitlin and Kyle, and then Kaitlin invited me to view their wedding website, and I decided to delete everything I had written and share with you directly from Kaitlin and Kyle.  I LOVE THIS:  After spending an afternoon with the two and chatting with Kaitlin, this is them TO A T.

"Short and sweet (according to Kaitlin)...
Seven ( has been 7...can you believe it?!) years ago on the eve of the Alabama vs. Ole Miss football game (October 14, 2005), we met at a fraternity party. Let me start by saying that my maid of honor had to drag me from studying to go out (and I am very glad she did!). Kyle was visiting Richard, now one of his groomsmen, during his fall break from UNO (University of Nebraska Omaha). We danced together and had a great time. When he asked for my phone number, I was hesitant about giving it to him. When he called the next day looking for me at the football game, I was still sleeping in my dorm room. I had originally told him I would be at the game, but I opted to stay in and work on a chemistry lab report (sounds just like me doesn't it!). We agreed to have dinner that night as a double date. I talked my roommate into coming with me to Old Taylor Grocery. The catfish was delicious, and we had a great night. With the date over and Kyle flying back to Omaha the next day, I thought, "Well, that was fun. I'll probably never see him again." To my surprise and excitement, he called the next day on his layover. I remember seeing his name pop up on my phone (unsure of exactly how to pronounce his last name...Bra, Bra-u....). I was jumping up and down in the middle of my dorm room, heart racing, giggling, my roommate screeching, "Answer the phone, answer the phone, answer the phone!" From that day on, until the end of December, we remained "friends" and talked on the phone nightly for hours (my girlfriends on the 11th floor of Martin can attest to this). Kyle made a second trip to Mississippi and met my parents over New Year's. During that time, we decided to officially start dating. The rest is history! I never thought I would be marrying a guy from Nebraska!

Short and sweet (according to Kyle)...
Alright, I'll actually keep this short and sweet... First of all, my last name, Brau, is pronounced "Brow," as in eyebrow (don't believe her if she pronounces it using any other four letter words). In a nut shell, it has been an enjoyable and adventurous 7 year ride, and I look forward to the rest of our life together (just a heck of a lot closer together!)."


Kaitlin and Kyle, your love is obvious.  When you look at each other, it's as if no one else is in the room.  I am so very excited and honored to capture the looks, smiles, and love you share on your special day.  I'm even more excited that you'll be able to live the rest of your lives together...yes, distance makes the heart grow fonder, but spending every day with the one you love is way more fun. :)

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