...the crazy life. The busy life. The good life all the same. I've always said that one of the best parts of going on vacation is coming home. Now this is not to be confused with DRIVING home. Driving 18 hours home, to be exact; I still feel as though I've been hit by a truck. I won't lie, it was a struggle to want to come home once I found out that there was a blizzard happening here. I was sitting on the Huynh's deck in their beautiful backyard in the 75 degree weather wearing a tank top when I learned what I would be returning to. If it hadn't been for my husband and baby returning a couple days earlier, I may have told Whitney that she would be housing me forever. Lucky for her, I was itching to return home to my little family, and she wouldn't have a permanent Nebraska resident in her beautiful little guest room.
Now that I'm home, I'm not only surrounded by snow, but I'm also submersed in all of the work that has to be done. But I'm blessed to be doing my catching up while listening to the familiar sounds of my baby's babbling. I have yet to unpack, my head still feels foggy, and I wonder if the trip was really a dream. Hopefully soon I'll have the opportunity to look back through all of my images and create a post about my adventures. Until then, I'll continue to hibernate from the cold, return to my routine, and appreciate the little things my son does, such as choosing a measuring cup to play with over all the other toys he has.
OH MY GOSH. I can't handle the cuteness.